Description of Grottammare                    

Grottammare  is  a wonderful  resort  on the Adriatic coast, nestled in lush greenery ,repaired to the west by the gentle slopes and lapped to the east by the sea. Its landscape is characterized by fragrant orange groves and green pine forests that accompany the clarity of the seawater  and the very fine beach. A Grottammare , as in other places of the Adriatic coast ,the liberty is predominantly expressed in the architecture of the villas by the sea ,built by wealthy families who chose Grottammare ,renowned seaside resort ,as a holiday destination .Architectural motifs typical and recurring for example towers with terrace ,by strong sloping roofs, derived from mountain architecture ,floral frescoes and ceramics .Local products in Grottammare are several kind of  wine ,sausages , sweets , olive oil and various specialities.

 Descrizione Grottammare

Grottammare è una magnifica località affacciata sulla costa adriatica,immersa in una lussureggiante vegetazione,riparata ad ovest da dolci pendii e lambita ad est dal mare. Il suo paesaggio è caratterizzato da profumati aranceti e verdi pinete che si accompagnano alla limpidezza dell’acqua marina e alla finissima spiaggia. A Grottammare , come in altre località della costa adriatica ,il Liberty si espresse prevalentemente nell’architettura delle case al mare,costruite da famiglie benestanti che sceglievano Grottammare ,rinomata stazione balneare,come meta di villeggiatura . Motivi architettonici tipici e ricorrenti sono ad esempio le torrette con terrazza ,tetti da forti spioventi ,derivati dall’architettura montana,gli affreschi e le maioliche con decorazioni floreali.

I prodotti tipici locali a Grottammare sono i vini,insaccati,dolci,oli ,prelibatezze di ogni genere.

Visions on Grottammare


Grottammare is a small town along the coast. It is divided in two parts: an old part and a modern part.

The old part is on the hill and it is amazing and quiet: it is in medieval style, there is a very ancient and artistic church in late Baroque style called Saint Lucy an only one monument: the “torrione” .

From the torrione you can see an amazing view of the town and if you are lucky you can see the mountains of Croatia.

The modern part is situated along the coast and it is pretty and beautiful.

Grottammare is a tourist destination for the beach but also to have fun and enjoy the natural landscape. Grottammare has got three typical places : Fazzini square and Angels square in the heart of the town; Kursaal square along the beach.

Grottammare is a very green place: there are several orange trees, pine and fir plants. Oranges and the palms are the characteristic plants of Grottammare.











In Grottammare's beach there is a big fish variety: sea ​​bream , sea bass and crabs.














In addition, on the coast there are a lot of nice historical Liberty Villas. 


 Grottammare is my favourite town.